State Incentives
The State of Ohio offers a myriad of services and economic incentives to Ohio business in an effort to encourage high-wage job growth and capital investment including tax credits for quality jobs, job training assistance, and tax credits for renewable energy projects and research and development activities. For information about business support and development services offered though the State of Ohio please visit Jobs Ohio.

Community Reinvestment Areas
CRA Descriptions

Urban Setting Designation

Storefront Renovation
The Storefront Renovation Program is a financial assistance program that leverages private sector monies with Community Development Block Grant funds as an incentive for commercial rehabilitation and renovation in Improvement Targeted Areas and low/mod services areas. Generally, a storefront project consists of reimbursement of 50% of the first $10,000 of eligible rehabilitation costs, and 20% of the next $10,000 (and thereafter) of eligible rehabilitation.

For more information contact Jim Sonnhalter, Community Projects Manager at (216) 289-8147 or by E-mail.

Community Improvement Corporation

Economic Development Division

Planning and Zoning Division

Downtown Euclid TLCI Transportation and Redevelopment Project

Euclid Waterfront Improvements Plan